Adventures of a Bipolar Flake

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

wasting my time reading magazines

Ugh, today sucks. Life just kind of sucks right now. I'm wasting my time doing pointless things like running errands for my mother or reading magazines, nothing worthwhile. I love to write and in a vain attempt to improve my vocabulary and thus my writing, I like to read The New Yorker or other literary publications like the Antioch Review, etc. But not I'm just reading Cosmo and Lucky and looking at clothes and trying to decide what I want to buy. I don't need to spend any more money! I've gone way over-budget already. I have some new shoes on today but I don't want anyone to know they're new because then they'll know I've been shopping again. I'm currently obsessed with Bright Eyes, The First Day of My Life. It's such a beautiful, moving song.

And I thought it was strange,
you said everything changed.
You felt as if you just woke up.
You said this is the first day of my life.
I'm glad I didn't die before I met you.
But now I dont care I could go anywhere with you
And I'd probably be happy.

God what a beautiful song, it just describes how I feel about my boyfriend perfectly. Have you ever heard a song that did that, just told your story, described how you felt? Well I have, but maybe that's just because I connect with music a lot. Sometimes I feel like that might be part of my disease, but then again, a lot of non-bipolar people like music and connect with it.

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